News: Coyote Makeover Charity Raffle

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News: Coyote Makeover Charity Raffle

Power Assist

Juggernaut Power is raffling off a Coyote Mustang upgrade package

By Steve Turner

Plain and simple, cancer is evil. It seems that no matter how large or small your circle is that you know someone affected by this disease. When it struck Howard Budd, the parts manager at Bowen’s Garage/Juggernaut Power, the company wanted to do something to help out Howard, his wife and three children.

Purchase a $25 raffle ticket and you might just win all these upgrades for your Mustang project and help a great cause in the process.
Purchase a $25 raffle ticket and you might just win all these upgrades for your Mustang project and help a great cause in the process.

“He has worked for us for over 27 years. He is an active member of the community as well as our church. Recently he was diagnosed with a rare form of intestinal cancer. He has been unable to eat or function well for weeks now. He had a surgery to try to remove some but it was spread too much to do anything with,” Juggernaut Power main man Rey Rivera said. “Once his incision healed he started chemo last week and his second session is this week. He can’t sleep well. Has to be fed with an IV etc. He is one of the most selfless men I know and would do anything to help whoever he could.”

For the full story, click here to visit the thread on our forum.



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